Golf cart drive in movie

It’s Tuesday before the festival and that means it is time for the annual Golf Cart Drive-In Movie presented by the Gezzers of Anarchy and Stage 5. Things get rolling about dusk and then after a couple of fun cartoons comes the main attraction .. the now classic traditional showing of Oh Brother Where Art Thou. Join us in our living room as we watch, cheer, jeer and sing along to this Pecan Grove Favorite. We have even traded in the old white tarp screen for a real silver screen. Then sign-up happens at 9 AM Wednesday morning.

Yes .. it is a thing now! will now bring you to this page. It is a little easier to remember. Our thanks to Stage 5 friend Shelton for getting it all fixed up. Give it a try next time and who knows it might be on a sticker this year.

2018 Stage 5 Schedule

Our appologies for the confusion if you came here from the WVA app and saw last years line-up. This years Stage 5 schedule is now posted here (below) and also on the Stage 5 Facebook page and as always you can get a hard copy printed in the daily WVA Voice available at various locations throughout the festval grounds. HAPPY WINFIELD!!!

Stage 5 Saturday 2018

Stage 5 Saturday

11:00 Fresh Green Grass
11:30 Anthony B Gude
NOON Old Sound
12:30 Kite Kamp Krooners
1:00 Shapiro Brothers
1:30 Deliberate Kim
2:00 Drifters Mile
2:30 Bus Company
3:00 Rudy & the Lost Boys
3:30 The Flannel Backs
4:00 Ralph Fats
4:30 Blue Root
5:00 Root Marm Chicken Farm Jug Band
5:30 Flying Shoes
6:00 Billy Palmer & The Ditch Donkeys
6:30 Stillwater Camp
7:00 Steelwind
7:30 Ginger & Lanky
8:00 Vogts Sisters
8:30 Konza Swamp
9:00 Dead Men Rocking
9:30 Sunnie Valentine & The Broken Hearts
10:00 Pretend Friend
10:30 Betse & Clarke
11:00 Breakfast Sides
11:30 Opal Agafia & the Sweet Nothings
MIDNIGHT Fast Food Junkies
12:30 Cowtown Country Club
1:00 Thomas Trapp
1:30 KC Bear Fighters
2:00 The Savage Hearts Trio
2:30 The Kissinger Brothers